Marvin Jones Jr: The Orange Bowl story you need to read about Georgia’s next great pass rusher

Jeff Sentell

Dawg Nation

Jan 4, 2022

Marvin Jones Jr. at Orange Bowl

5-star Georgia signee Marvin Jones, Jr. was in attendance for the big 34-11 win against Michigan in The Orange Bowl in Miami Gardens, Fla. on December 31, 2021. (Jeff Sentell /DawgNation)

SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- There are a few great stories we will share about 5-star Georgia signee Marvin Jones Jr. this week from the All-American Bowl.

We’ll lead with the most humorous. See that picture up above?

That one, and a few more here to follow in this space, are certainly worth a thousand words.

Does that look like a Where’s Waldo from the Orange Bowl?

Where’s Marvin?

How hard is it to point out that 6-foot-4.5, 252-pound Georgia fan in the red in the visiting team’s end zone?

Look for the All-American football player in the red shirt and black cap. That’s Jones.

The South Florida native played his high school football for American Heritage and Fort Lauderdale. In a lot of respects, the chance to see his future team play in the Orange Bowl in the national college football playoff semifinal was a home game for him.

Yet it also looked like a home game for the Wolverines.

And also what looks like half of Ann Arbor. And some of Detroit. And Auburn Hills. And so on.

“I was surrounded by Michigan fans,” he said on Tuesday for the first day of the All-American Bowl practices.

Smack Talk? Yes, it went down.

“They were all talking to me and then some lady next to me asked me ‘Do you play football or whatever’ after I had sat down and been there for a little bit.”

Jones had a reply.

Oh, to have seen their faces when he said what he did.

“Yeah, I’m going to Georgia next year,” Jones replied back in his signature deep voice.

And then it was on.

“Then it got quiet,” Jones said. “They didn’t say anything to me the rest of the time I was there,” he said. “So yeah, they were talking a little bit. But once they found out where I was going, it was quiet.”

Marvin Jones Jr. at Orange Bowl

Marvin Jones Jr: What was that Orange Bowl win like for him?

Jones admits he did revel throughout the moment. He is, after all, a ‘Dawg.

And still a hyperactive teenager at that.

“Of course,” Jones said. “I was talking crazy. Every time Georgia made a play, they all got quiet. When they first all came out, man Michigan and their fans were loud. They were real loud when they first came out on the field. There were more Michigan fans than Georgia for sure. Everybody was loud but once the game started, well it all quieted down.”

It was fun getting a chance to find him in the Michigan end zone. There were times when his hands were clasped and times he was either pointing at the scoreboard or the Jumbotrons above the field.

The Bulldogs gave him plenty of opportunities to do so.

Marvin Jones Jr. at Orange Bowl

5-star Georgia signee Marvin Jones, Jr. was in attendance for the big 34-11 win against Michigan in The Orange Bowl in Miami Gardens, Fla. on December 31, 2021. (Jeff Sentell /DawgNation)

Marvin Jones Jr. at Orange Bowl

5-star Georgia signee Marvin Jones, Jr. was in attendance for the big 34-11 win against Michigan in The Orange Bowl in Miami Gardens, Fla. on December 31, 2021. (Jeff Sentell /DawgNation)

What’s that phrasing we are all taught by the best mentors and coaches in our lives?

When you lose, say little. When you win, say less.

Jones found a way to do that on social media after Georgia’s big 34-11 victory against the Wolverines. He even kept it well within the old school 140-character limit.

Marvin Jones Jr.

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